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We’re proud to announce that we’ve been added to the latest Financial Reporting Council (FRC) signatory list. As a long-standing supporter of the UK Stewardship Code and UK Corporate Governance Code, we’re thrilled to be recognised for our efforts in Responsible Investment.

What is the UK Stewardship Code?

The UK Stewardship Code 2020 sets high standards for those investing money on behalf of UK savers and pensioners, and those that support them. 

Our approach

Stewardship sits as one of our three key priorities within our Responsible Investment (RI) framework. By acting as a responsible and vigilant asset owner, we can protect and enhance the value of our investments. 

Our Stewardship Policy reflects our commitment and approach to active ownership. We exercise our voting rights and engage with the companies and issuers we invest in to make sure they‘re accountable and fulfil their obligations to shareholders and other stakeholders. In addition, we monitor the stewardship activities of our fund managers.

Read more about our RI strategy